Pretty much had to happen this way at twitter, once EM stuck his fat hand in. By the way, I'm listening to Grouper (Liz harris), the "Shade" album. Melodies from the heavens, distance and distortions from Earth. Beautiful.

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Amen, Amen, Amen. Beautifully said.

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"That is, they seek to define signal for hundreds of millions of the rest of us."

When you distill everything down, this, I think, is really the driving force of it all.

Musk is a "free speech absolutist" as long as your worldview aligns with his. Comedy/parody is okay as long as he's not the punchline, and so on. It must be an incredible dissonance to try and manage, and getting what appears to be frankly terrible advice from the Paypal Mafia (and it's groupies) is just making a bad scene worse.

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what a great post. Your definition of signal and noise is the most elegant I've heard. I recommended you to my readers and also linked to this post in my latest post. I hope you don't mind, but I've been reading your stuff for a bit now, and although I may not always agree, I love your prose. It's apparent your songwriting and poetry skills.

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