Often when I leave my windows open at night, I'm annoyingly woken, while it's still quite dark, by the robins calling to each other. Thanks for turning this pet peeve on its head for me this morning.
There is something magical about the sound of a transistor Radio played on a public space, such as a beach or lake. The limitations of its sound through a small speaker have a strange quality to a pop song - especially from the 1960s. It would be interesting if some engineer remastered songs to make them sound like it is coming from a transistor radio. Bird songs' have that magical quality as well.
I have great nostalgia/affection for transistor radios in the outdoors too - I think their lack of low end was a blessing in disguise, cause it keeps their sound from traveling as far as more modern speakers
Often when I leave my windows open at night, I'm annoyingly woken, while it's still quite dark, by the robins calling to each other. Thanks for turning this pet peeve on its head for me this morning.
There is something magical about the sound of a transistor Radio played on a public space, such as a beach or lake. The limitations of its sound through a small speaker have a strange quality to a pop song - especially from the 1960s. It would be interesting if some engineer remastered songs to make them sound like it is coming from a transistor radio. Bird songs' have that magical quality as well.
I have great nostalgia/affection for transistor radios in the outdoors too - I think their lack of low end was a blessing in disguise, cause it keeps their sound from traveling as far as more modern speakers